The SMSF Accountant uses specialised software to assist with SMSF administration and accounting. This software is called “Class”.

Class software means that clients of The SMSF Accountant don’t need to wait for reports or call us to get an update on their fund investment position, performance and asset allocations, contribution caps, pension limits and fund details.

Our clients can login to their Class account at any time to view their account online.

Also, if your SMSF is receiving employer contributions, we can set it up for Class to integrate with Superstream data from your employer or business. This is a mandatory requirement now that the government’s Superstream legislation has come into full effect.

Our use of Class is also highly beneficial to the accounting firms and accountants using The SMSF Accountant for outsourcing SMSF administration more cost-efficiently while they are free to spend more time servicing their clients’ accounting and taxation needs, and maintaining their client relationships.

Here is an infographic from the Class software website which explains how Class integrates, tracks, and handles all aspects of SMSF administration:

How Class SMSF software works

Class Super was the first cloud-based solution for administration of SMSFs and it was developed in Australia by an Australian-owned company. Class is innovative and constantly evolving technology which continues to drive positive change across the SMSF industry.

Monthly software releases deliver product enhancements based on user feedback and changing market needs. Class software is secure, with direct-connect data feeds from over 120 banks, brokers and wraps, bulk process corporate actions, instantly obtain automated property valuations – and lots more to help us provide you with cost-efficient, up-to-date information and the highest standard of SMSF administration.

When you contact The SMSF Accountant to discuss your SMSF needs, we can explain how Class software will empower you with a real-time view of your SMSF from anywhere at any time.

Class SMSF software